Four Lostbelts have been cut away from Proper Human History. As they break through the great ocean that remained unchanged since the Age of Gods, the Chaldeans see before them a Tree of Emptiness that stretches out into space, along with a giant floating city towering majestically over all, symbolizing the absolute rule of the gods. Olympus... A throne for the superior deities and a great Interstellar City so massive that even the vast sea of the skies is no obstacle to it. The final battle of humanity versus the gods...and Master versus Crypter begins here, at the epicenter of the fifth Lostbelt.



Kirschtaria Wodime
Kirschtaria Wodime
VA: Soma Saito
Illustrator: Koyama Hirokazu
Leader of the Crypters. The mage who aided in resetting the world and bleaching the Earth's surface, all to do away with Proper Human History. He remains a true leader, whose actions are dictated by coolheaded, but not coldhearted, logic and a belief that people are chosen for a reason. His confidence is absolute, but he is never arrogant. Before the world's reset, he belonged to the Clock Tower's Astromancy Department. His prodigious talent for magecraft led many to see him as a genius, but his theories, while academically interesting, were seen to have no real possibility for practical application, and so were largely dismissed out of hand. The mages of the Clock Tower could never have known that the theories they so casually dismissed could become reality on this bleached Earth.